Team Center

Know your customers with whom you are trying at a glance.

It will allow you, in a simple way, to see what interests you have, your segmentation into different strata so you can know at a glance who you are and where to find it on social networks.


Know your customers with whom you are trying at a glance.

It will allow you, in a simple way, to see what interests you have, your segmentation into different strata so you can know at a glance who you are and where to find it on social networks.

  • IBM Integrated Watson
  • Personality analysis
  • Relationship analysis
Try it for free


With our CRM module (Customer Relationship Manager), you can interact directly with your customers through the platform, categorize them, see conversations, note incidents, share, refer other members of your team, in short, make your team work a lot easier.

  • Integrated social networks
  • Team work
  • Customer history
Coming soon